As construction gets underway, unused brownfield land in East Leeds is set to be transformed into a new housing development.
The Synergy project will deliver 109 new homes, which will include affordable housing provisions through Leeds Federated Housing Association.
Housebuilder Keepmoat has spearheaded the initiative and plans to work with local schools and employment groups to recruit young people through apprenticeship schemes.
The development is the last site to be built as part of the Leeds City Council Brownfield Land Programme, which is designed to support the city’s growth and will provide over 1,000 new homes across 13 housing developments in East Leeds.
Commenting on the scheme, Councillor Helen Hayden, Leeds City Council’s executive member for infrastructure and climate, said: “The start of construction on this scheme is an important milestone for the council’s Brownfield Land Programme and underlines the impressive results that have been achieved through working in partnership to plan and deliver hundreds of high-quality and affordable homes for communities in East Leeds during recent years.”
The first of the new homes is expected to be complete by April 2023, with overall completion estimated for June 2025.
Michael Orgill, Regional Managing Director at Keepmoat, said: “We are delighted to have started construction at our Synergy development in Leeds and can’t wait to deliver these new homes for potential homebuyers in the area.
“By constructing this new development on brownfield land, we hope to positively impact the community, alongside other work with local schools and youth groups.”
The scheme will also see the creation of new public spaces in East Leeds.
By Janine Griffiths