People in the diocese of Sudan have been supported by a recent visit from the Reverend Anne Russell, Team Rector of the Seacroft Parish and member of Leeds Diocese Sudan Link Group.
Rev Anne met with the Most Rev Ezekiel Kondo, Archbishop of Sudan, as well as other bishops from the country, and expressed the firm support of people across the Diocese of Leeds to them.
Rev Anne heard stories of what is has been like in the country since the ongoing civil war broke out 2023, hearing from those who have fled their homes and lives, and been witness to much violence.
The church in Sudan has been provided pastoral and practical care to those it can, supported by many organisations, including the Diocese of Leeds.
Revd Anne said: “I’ve been asked to pass on huge thanks from Archbishop Ezekiel, Bishops Saman and Abdu, other church leaders (both lay and clergy), the Mothers’ Union and congregations of the ECS.
“The prayerful support and commitment shown by the Diocese of Leeds through its Link, since war broke out in April 2023 is hugely appreciated – I can’t stress this enough.
“The long-standing relationship of nearly 50 years, alongside Salisbury Diocese, is profoundly important and influential to ECS and its people.
“We received such generosity and openness from those who we met and stayed with while we were there.”
The diocese, along with others, has provided financial aid for the church in Sudan, helping to support the people there with food and other church essentials, and this is hoped to continue in 2025.
Rev Anne also had the chance to visit former MU paid workers from Sudan who are currently in Egypt, who are supporting Sudanese refugees with get-togethers including worship and prayers, singing and Sudanese food.
She added: “They’re passionate about encouraging people in their faith when some are doubting and falling away.”
A BBC Radio 4 interview with Revd Anne about her trip and the situation in Sudan can be heard here.