Garforth Academy remains an ‘outstanding’ school in all areas, Ofsted inspectors have said.
In its first inspection since 2013, inspectors rated the school as outstanding for its quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and sixth form provision.
Pupils consistently meet the school’s high expectations of their conduct, inspectors visiting the school in November said. “They are mature and respectful members of the school community. In lessons, they are committed to their learning.”
Inspectors praise an ‘ambitious and demanding’ curriculum and add: “The school has high aspirations for pupils who attend the school. Pupils meet these and achieve very well. They are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment or training. The school’s highly effective careers advice and guidance ensure that pupils are well informed and progress onto pathways that support their personal ambitions.”
There is praise for teachers, who are experts in their subjects, along with the support they receive from school leaders.
The report adds: “Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, achieve extremely well across the breadth of the subjects that they study. This is reflected in consistently high outcomes in public examinations.”
Students in the school’s sixth form benefit from a rich and diverse range of qualifications and achieve highly. Over time, the school has updated its offer to reflect the interests of pupils and local employment opportunities.
The full report can be read here.