East Leeds residents could benefit from an opportunity to find out more about other cultures at a special event to be held at Shine tomorrow (Tuesday).
The Migrant Access Project is offering people the chance to share and learn as part of Refugee Week.
The event is being held on Tuesday, 18 June between 10am-12pm at Shine, off Harehills Road. All welcome.
More details from migrantaccessproject@leeds.gov.uk.
Meanwhile a family gala is being held on Friday, 21 June in Lincoln Green to celebrate Refugee Week.
‘The Refugee Week Flourish Party – Mafwa Theatre’ runs 4pm – 8:30pm, Roxby Community
Garden, LS9 7LR.
A spokesperson said: “Join us on for our Refugee Week Flourish Party, a family gala where we’ll be celebrating this years Refugee Week theme ‘Our Home’ with performances, stalls,
activities and workshops.
“Home can be a place, a person, a feeling or a state of mind. The Roxby Community Garden is a place where the Lincoln Green communities’ diverse experiences, journeys and backgrounds can come together and feel at home.
“Celebrate with us and explore what home means to you this Refugee Week. Suitable for all ages.”
Free entry. Everyone welcome. For more information. email: mafwatheatre@gmail.com.
More Refugee Week events can be found below: