Inside Leeds Wood Recycling Scheme

2 mins read
August 25, 2023

Leeds wood recycling scheme, Holbeck is a social enterprise that converts your used wood into offcuts, furniture, ornaments and kindling -all for sale in their shop. All the proceeds go into the community and help them keep going. It is supported by a team of paid workers and volunteers that help the business drive its sustainable goals.

The Leeds Wood recycling scheme offers courses and voluntary roles to people of all ages and backgrounds and supports individuals with mental health problems. They help marginalised people gain the skills and confidence they need to go on to further employment. They pride themselves in supporting individuals into long-term work, and now they have adapted to suit all sorts of people that come from all backgrounds, some of whom solely for the enjoyment of reclaiming used bits of timber.

“Mark joined us as a volunteer with no work experience; he has some learning disabilities. He volunteered with us, and we were really impressed, so we put him through his CSCS qualification, which he passed with flying colours and now works with us 4 days a week.”

The business started in 2018 when the National Community Wood Recycling Project (NCWRP), the organisation that runs wood recycling across the UK, decided there was a need for a recycling project in Yorkshire. The group of directors started the social enterprise with the idea of sustainability in mind. This allowed for the wood recycling scheme to create more jobs in the community whilst being more eco-friendly. The business has gone from strength to strength as what was once a small team of 3 paid workers has increased to 15 part-time workers and 1 full-time worker in a warehouse that is full of new and exciting projects.

One of the machines is called a Computer Numerical Cutter (CNC) and will cut pieces of wood to exact specific dimensions to make ornaments and useful components for projects using computer aid design (CAD) software as the input.

Volunteers work by learning each part of the workshop, and the new machine is no exception since they are starting to learn how to use this too.

The idea is that none or barely any of the wood goes to waste; they recycle as much of the old timber as possible to make things that can be used again, creating a circular wood economy which reduces greenhouse gas emissions. They want to avoid throwing your old wood into a landfill as it takes hundreds of years to biodegrade. In contrast, recycling saves the need to chop down trees and thus has a positive impact towards the planet and deforestation.

There is no prior knowledge required to start at Leeds wood recycling scheme. Although they do not offer accredited qualifications, they will teach you transferable skills that can be used to gain further employment or pursue career opportunities. It is seen as a stepping stone for those to support people to do what they want in the future.

Although Leeds wood recycling is based in Holbeck, people in East Leeds can enjoy the benefits of having such an organisation in their city. They’re within the radius to have old wood collected, which is cheaper than renting a skip, there are many volunteer opportunities available, there are specialised work experience programme placements, they offer their affordable and reclaimed timber for sale in their timber shop open 10am – 4pm 7 days/week, and there are learning opportunities on their woodwork courses.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Leeds Wood Recycling scheme, perhaps want some of your old wood collected, or are interested in volunteering at the recycling centre, then contact details are below.


Phone: 0113 4505275

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