‘Dr Bike’ is back with another opportunity for free bicycle health checks and minor repairs at The Old Fire Station in Gipton on Wednesday, 29 May.
This a 1:1 appointment with Dr Bike. Your bike will be checked over by a qualified mechanic and basic repairs will be made where possible, e.g. adjustment of brakes and gears; replacement of cables / brake pads; repairing a puncture; oiling the chain.
The mechanic will advise you of any further repairs that need to be made.
This is a FREE service supported by The Old Fire Station, funded by Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival.
Only one bike can be checked at the appointment. You are welcome to book more than one appointment if e.g. you have your own bike and your child’s bike to be looked at.
If you’re no longer able to attend please cancel your appointment as soon as possible so they can offer it to someone else.