By Natalie Tharraleos
Youthwatch Leeds, with the support of Public Health, are speaking to children and young people, parents, carers and schools about NHS dental services to improve access in Leeds.
Leeds City College and St Bartholomews C of E Primary School with our Youthwatch volunteers delivering oral health engagement sessions Photo by Rameesha Ahmed
Youthwatch Leeds is a group of young Healthwatch Leeds volunteers aged between 14-25 who ensure children and young people’s voices shape the way services are planned and delivered.
They are finding that many people in Inner East Leeds are struggling to locate a dentist who will see them, and as a result are facing challenges in how to look after their family’s teeth. ‘I have been struggling to get me and my family an NHS dentist for an awfully long time now. My son needs to see a dentist for tooth pain he has been having and struggles to concentrate in school as a result.’ Parent, LS9
Healthwatch Leeds is currently conducting a survey for children and young people aged 7 – 25 years old and their parents, to ask their views on their dental experiences.
The survey asks questions around knowledge of upkeeping oral health, access to dental care and your experiences of this. Please complete the survey by the 31st July.
Children and Young People (up to age 25)
Parents and Carers on behalf of children and young people
Dental services are now working with the Integrated Care Board who are looking at how dental services can be improved for everyone. At a recent meeting Healthwatch highlighted local people’s experiences of accessing dental support in West Yorkshire. Following this Ian Holmes, Director for Strategy and Partnerships NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board said: ‘We are committed to making improvements on dental and oral health services for people and communities. At the meeting we approved a series of recommendations which we believe will make a positive difference over time.’
Healthwatch Leeds often offers advice to help people find a NHS dentist. You can either visit the NHS website – or visit the Healthwatch Leeds website for further easy to read advice – If you have a dental emergency ring 111.
To look after your teeth use the recommended Public Health Leeds top tips below:
Reduce the amount of sugary food and drinks you consume. For more information on healthier food please visit:
Brush your teeth twice a day.
Take your child to the dentist when their first tooth erupts at around 6 months and then visit the dentist regularly.
You can meet us in person at the Compton Centre this Saturday 29th July between 11am-3pm, to share your experiences of accessing dental care for your child, and upkeeping their oral health. We’ll have information leaflets, and be on hand to answer any questions. We would love for you to take part in our survey (and can help you complete this!). Come have a chat and share your insights, as well as enjoying the first Harehills Street Market and free Chatty Cafe tea and coffee, which will be happening at the same time.
Take your child to the dentist when their first tooth erupts around 6 months and then visit the dentist regularly.