A Leeds primary school has staged a strike and protest as part of a bid to teach children about climate change and devise a green curriculum.
Moor Allerton Hall Primary School hosted the climate change strike last Friday and suspended the normal curriculum so that the entire cohort of pupils, from Year 1 to 6, could study environmental issues.
Instead of the usual classes and lessons, pupils spent the day learning about COP26, the 2021 United Nations climate change conference. They also discussed ideas on how they can use their voices to make a difference.
The strike is part of a worldwide protest organised by Youth Strike 4 Climate, which aims to raise awareness of what activists call ‘the climate emergency’.
The protest march will be held in the playground at 2.15pm and parents and carers have been invited to join the protest.
Speaking of the protest, Headteacher, Ms Lesley McKay told reporters: “We like our children to be aware of what is happening in the world. The climate is the biggest issue which will affect them in the future. Children need to be aware of the issues and crucially what they can do to help make a difference.”
Staff members have been supporting the protests by delivering lessons on global warming and encouraging children to make positive changes.
Protests took place in over 60 cities across the UK, including Brighton, Cambridge and London.
However, this is not the first time Moor Allerton has been at the forefront of campaigning against climate change.
Over the last few years, the school has been very active in raising awareness about the importance of sustainability by allowing young children to hold mini protests and strikes on school grounds about environmental issues.
Moor Allerton has also been working with Leeds University Climate Scientists and Leeds Development Education Centre to plan a Climate Change Curriculum for all primary school children.